Clickfred is an Internet Marketing Company that delivers serious results to clients through analytics, technology & business process automation. An advanced market analysis is a required element for all successful marketing strategies. Reviewing all the possible internet marketing strategies to implement the most effective strategic marketing plan can be difficult choice. Clickfred is results driven Internet Marketing Company, we focus on the core business metrics that matter, increasing revenue & productivity while reducing operational overhead. We offer clients custom internet marketing strategies that are developed for the client’s specific industry and market needs. Clickfred provides effective and affordable marketing services by understanding a client’s local competition through an advanced market analysis. As an Internet Marketing Company our goal is to create long-term business relationships with our clients. Operating on the philosophy of transparency and simplicity; our internet marketing strategies and practices are open for our clients to view and results are measurable and observable in reporting that is accessible at anytime in our client portal. Don’t make business moves in the blind, understand what your competition is doing through an advanced market analysis! Fill out the form below and The clickfred Internet Marketing Company will provide an Advanced Market Analysis for your business within 72 hours.
Internet Marketing Company Market Analysis
Effective Marketing Strategies

Internet Marketing Company
How Is Your Internet Marketing Strategy Performing?
Advanced Marketing Analysis
Maximize Your Marketing Budget
Is your company maximizing it’s marketing budget? Our Free Online Marketing Analysis hits four major areas that are the pillars of a successful marketing strategy. Local SEO Scan, Website Audit, Technology Profile Scan and Social Media Audit make up the Advanced Marketing Analysis. Clickfred will conduct and in-depth Market Analysis of your online business presence and provide the results of the Marketing Analysis in a way that is both complete and easy to understand, even without a technical background. Minor adjustments result in BIG improvements! Make the choice that makes sense, get marketing services from the best internet marketing company, clickfred!

Local SEO Scan
Can your business be found online? How is your business or brand displayed online? Inconsistent business information, such as location, phone numbers and business address displayed in the Business Listings Report is the downfall of many small businesses when it comes to online visibility. In today’s digital world customers demand accurate listing information with Google being the most important directory for this. Local SEO is the foundation of overall SEO and the foundation to online visibility. Find out how your local business listings are displayed. A Local SEO scan will have your business listings report ready in seconds.
Website Audit
Having a well-built and well-running website is essential for maintaining an effective internet marketing presence. A solid online foundation will provide an increase in the number of leads generated and conversions. Do you know the ins and outs of your website? Is your website fast enough? Does it perform and display as it should in web searches? Is the content on the business website unique and does it engage visitors through value? What is your Google PageRank condition? Clickfred will provide insight on the current condition of your website and clarity on the direction of future development with our FREE Website Audit. The Free Website Audit will analyze your website and identify key areas where improvement can be made.
Technology Profile Scan
Ever wonder why a competitor’s website receives a high volume of traffic or leads? What Internet Marketing Strategies are they using or what technology is driving those leads? Knowing what your competitors are doing differently for marketing can be eye-opening, especially when you realize that they may be using something you are missing out on. The clickfred Internet Marketing Company takes a deep look at your website, the technology and software you are using, as well as what your competition is doing. Through an Advanced Marketing Analysis and Technology Profile Scan clickfred is able to determine what adjustments can be made to provide your business with the highest ROI by taking the path of least resistance.
Social Media Audit
The page or channel setup is the foundation of any social media channel, business category, description, preferred audience, engaging call to action button, etc. Social Media Marketing is difficult and a strong foundation is required to build on if you are going to compete. A Social Media Marketing presence is absolutely paramount in brand-building and engaging your target market. What is your engagement rate, are you posting at optimal times for your audience and what postings have been effective for your competition? Identify where adjustments can be made to increase your Social Media presence and determine the best performing content of your competitors.

Advanced Market Analysis
Your marketing efforts are paramount in your business’ success, and for that reason a well planned internet marketing strategy should be devised. The first step to internet marketing strategies is to conduct industry research. How do you rank in your particular market? Are you using all the outlets available for your business to market through? Our FREE Advanced Market Analysis will show you where your current efforts stand in light of the competition and how you can improve it.
Review The Internet Marketing Strategies Of Your Competitors
Internet Marketing Company Services
Hiring a reputable Internet Marketing Company is a cost effective way to increase leads, revenue and the growth for your business. The clickfred Internet Marketing Company provides internet marketing strategies, solutions and packages for all budgets. Make the move that makes sense and hire the clickfred Internet Marketing Company!