Long-Term Online Marketing Solutions
Strategic Marketing Plan

Innovative Business & Online Marketing Solutions
The clickfred Process, Work Smarter, NOT Harder!
Custom Online Marketing Solutions
Listen, Learn, Observe

Data Driven Online Marketing Solutions
Knowledge Is Power
Traction Through Alignment & Integration
Two Millimeters of Change
Laser focus, clarity and the ability to make rapid adjustments are some traits that compose long-term marketing solutions and are necessary to reach your business goals. A powerful and efficient business platform is required so that all business metrics can be viewed in a matter of moments with complete clarity. Online marketing companies and digital marketing consultants are often incentivized to offer online marketing solutions that benefit themselves more than the client. These agencies and consultants offer applications like SalesForce to clients for a commission on the license agreement, while the business that was receiving the consultation could have been more productive with a marketing solution that was a fraction of the cost. Find the best online marketing solutions for your business with clickfred.
Companies often make an internal decision to undergo a large and unnecessary change to over-correct an issue, we understand that this is impractical. There is no need to make drastic changes, as your goals are just a few millimeters away, a minor adjustment and nothing more. Introducing new programs, applications or software requires time for training and money for the purchase of a product that might not be the best solution. Why waste a perfectly sound business foundation when it may only require simple revisions? Modern technology and the development of API’s have allowed for advanced integrations to occur. iPaaS or cloud based integration services are the future of business and allow for companies to operate on customized and advanced business platforms. Many companies purchase an out of the box business platform that is expensive, requires training and is not the best solution for that business’s particular needs. Instead of wasting the time, money and business resources on a mediocre solution a series of minor integrations could have been developed to connect all the business applications a company was currently using for an internal business platform. Minor adjustments can have huge impacts, don’t turn your business 180 degrees when a two millimeter adjustment was all that was required. Get long-term online marketing solutions and a strategic marketing plan with clickfred!
Internal Communication
Business Movements with Military Precision
Automated Online Marketing Solutions
Embrace Technology
Clickfred doesn’t just provide efficient automation for your online marketing needs, but for your entire business operation. Operational overhead can be reduced through business solutions that focus on process automation via technology. We specialize in integrating our knowledge and services with your existing resources, which eliminates the need to acquire and purchase new business and marketing solutions. Save time and money while eliminating the pains that come with new business and online marketing solutions, such as employee training and the development of new procedure documentation. Clickfred is the full package, from leads to conversions, customer support to project management, development to security, you name it, we have it. We offer long-term business and online marketing solutions to fit any business size or budget. Work smarter, NOT harder. Get clickfred to automate your business!